tenx technology
首頁 產品資訊 MCU8 bit MCUADC TypeProduct information


Data Sheet

User manual

Development Tools


1.	ROM: 2K x 14 bits MTP (Multi Time Programmable ROM)
2.	RAM: 96 x 8 bits
3.	STACK: 6 Levels
4.	System Oscillation Sources (Fsys)
	Fast-clock
-	FIRC (Fast Internal RC): 1.5M/4M/6M/12MHz
	Slow-clock
-	SIRC (Slow Internal RC): 120KHz/30KHz/7.5KHz/1.875KHz
5.	Dual System Clock
6.	Power Saving Operation Mode
	FAST Mode: Slow-clock can be disabled or enabled; Fast-clock keeps CPU running
	SLOW Mode: Fast-clock can be disabled or enabled; Slow-clock keeps CPU running
	IDLE Mode: Fast-clock and CPU stop. Slow-clock, T2, or Wake-up Timer keep running
	STOP Mode: All Clocks stop, T2 and Wake-up Timer stop
7.	3 Independent Timers
	Timer0
-	8-bit timer divided by 1~256 prescaler option, Counter/Interrupt/Stop function
	Timer1
-	8-bit timer divided by 1~256 prescaler option, Reload/Interrupt/Stop function
-	Overflow and Toggle out
	T2
-	15-bit timer with 4 interrupt interval time options
-	IDLE mode wake-up timer or used as one simple 15-bit time base
-	Clock source: Slow-clock (SIRC), Fsys/128
8.	Interrupt
	Three External Interrupt pins
-	2 pins are falling edge wake-up triggered & interrupts
-	1 pin is rising or falling edge wake-up triggered & interrupt
	Timer0/Timer1/T2/WKT (wake-up) Interrupts
9.	Wake-up (WKT) Timer
	Clocked by built-in RC oscillator with 4 adjustable interrupt times
-	17 ms/34 ms/68 ms/136 ms
10.	Watchdog Timer 
	Clocked by built-in RC oscillator with 4 adjustable reset times
-	137 ms/274 ms/1096 ms/2192 ms
	Watchdog can be disabled in IDLE/STOP mode (R15.5)
11.	2 Independent PWMs 
	PWM0: 
-	8+2 bits, duty-adjustable, period-adjustable controlled PWM 
-	PWM0 clock source: Fast-clock or Fast-clock-pre(12MHz)*, with 1~64 prescaler 
	PWM1:  
-	8+2 bits, duty-adjustable controlled PWM
-	PWM1 clock source: Fast-clock or Fast-clock-pre* 
*Note: Fast-clock-pre is the original fast clock, Fast-clock is the divided clock of Fast-clock-pre.
12.	12-bit ADC Converter with 11 input channels(CH0~CH10)
	 Internal reference voltage 1.25V ±2% on channel-11 when ADC reference source = VCC.
	ADC reference voltage source: VCC or VBG 2.60V.
13.	Built-in 1/2 bias VCC/2 voltage generator to PD3~PD0 maximum 4x13 dots for LCD display
14.	Reset Sources
	Power On Reset/Watchdog Reset/Low Voltage Reset/External Pin Reset
15.	Four kinds of Low Voltage Reset option: 
	LVR2.0V, LVR2.0V(off in IDLE/STOP mode), LVR2.3V, LVR2.9V
16.	Enhanced Power Noise Rejection
17.	Operating Voltage: Low Voltage Reset Level to 5.5V
18.	Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to +105°C
19.	Table Read Instruction: 14-bit ROM data lookup table.
20.	Instruction set: 38 Instructions
21.	Instruction Execution Time
	 2 oscillation clocks per instruction except branch
22.	I/O ports: Maximum 18 programmable I/O pins
	Pseudo-Open-Drain Output (PA2~PA0)
	Open-Drain Output
	CMOS Push-Pull Output
	Schmitt Trigger Input with pull-up resistor option
23.	Programming connectivity support 6-wire (ISP) or 8-wire program.
24.	Package Types:
	20-pin DIP (300 mil), SOP (300 mil) , SSOP (150 mil),TSSOP(173mil) , QFN (3x3x0.75mm)
	16-pin DIP(300 mil), SOP (150 mil) , SSOP (150mil)
	14-pin SOP (150 mil)
	10-pin MSOP (118 mil)
	8-pin SOP (150 mil)
	6-pin SOT23
25.	Supported EV board on ICE
EV board: EV2781C 

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