FEATURES1. ROM: 1K x 14 bits MTP (Multi Time Programmable ROM)
2. RAM: 96 x 8 bits
3. STACK: 6 Levels
4. System Oscillation Sources (Fsys) :
. Fast-clock
- FIRC (Fast Internal RC) : 8 MHz (can be divided by 1/2/3/4)
. Slow-clock
- SIRC (Slow Internal RC) : 128 KHz/32 KHz/8 KHz/2 KHz @VCC=3V
5. Dual System Clock:
6. Power Saving Operation Mode
. FAST Mode: Slow-clock can be disabled or enabled, Fast-clock keeps CPU running
. SLOW Mode: Fast-clock can be disabled or enabled, Slow-clock keeps CPU running
. IDLE Mode: Fast-clock and CPU stop. Slow-clock, T2, or Wake-up Timer keep running
. STOP Mode: All Clocks stop, T2 and Wake-up Timer stop
7. 3 Independent Timers
. Timer0
- 8-bit timer divided by 1~256 pre-scaler option, Counter/Interrupt/Stop function
. Timer1
- 8-bit timer divided by 1~256 pre-scaler option, Reload/Interrupt/Stop function
. T2
- 15-bit timer with 4 interrupt interval time options
- IDLE mode wake-up timer or used as one simple 15-bit time base
- Clock source: Slow-clock (SIRC) , Fsys/128
8. Interrupt
. Three External Interrupt pins
- 1 pin are falling edge wake-up triggered & interrupts
- 2 pins is rising or falling edge wake-up triggered & interrupt
. Timer0/Timer1/T2/WKT (wake-up) Interrupts
9. Wake-up (WKT) Timer
. Clocked by built-in RC oscillator with 4 adjustable interrupt times
17 ms/34 ms/68 ms/136 ms @VCC=3V, 16 ms/32 ms/64 ms/128 ms @VCC=5V
10. Watchdog Timer
. Clocked by built-in RC oscillator with 4 adjustable reset times
140 ms/280 ms/1120 ms/2240 ms @VCC=3V, 128ms/256 ms/1024 ms/2048 ms @ VCC=5V
. Watchdog timer can be disabled/enabled in STOP mode (WDTSTP, R15.5)
11. 1 Independent PWM
. PWM0:
- 8+2 bits, duty-adjustable, period-adjustable controlled PWM
- PWM0 clock source: Fast-clock or FIRCx2, with 1~64 pre-scalers
- With differential output pair
- Non-overlap durations adjustable
- PWM0P and PWM0N are high drive / sink pins
12. 12-bit ADC Converter with 8 input channels and 1 internal reference voltage
. ADC reference voltage=Internal reference voltage LDO2.5V ±2% @25*C, VCC=3V~5V
13. Operational Amplifier (OPA)
. offset voltage≦2mV @Vo=1.5V, TA=25°C, Vcc=5V, VSS=0V
14. Reset Sources
. Power On Reset/Watchdog Reset/Low Voltage Reset/External Pin Reset
15. Low Voltage Reset Option: LVR1.8V, LVR1.8 off in STOP mode
16. Operating Voltage:
. Fsys = 2 MHz, LVRth ~5.5V @ -40*C~85*C
. Fsys = 4 MHz, LVRth ~5.5V@ -40*C~85*C
. Fsys = 8 MHz, LVRth ~5.5V@ -40*C~0*C
. Fsys = 8 MHz, 2.2~5.5V @ 0*C~85*C
17. Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C
18. Table Read Instruction: 14-bit ROM data lookup table.
19. Instruction set: 38 Instructions
20. Instruction Execution Time
. 2 oscillation clocks per instruction except branch
21. I/O ports: Maximum 13 programmable I/O pins
. Pseudo-Open-Drain Output (PA2~PA0)
. Open-Drain Output
. CMOS Push-Pull Output
. Schmitt Trigger Input with pull-up resistor option
22. Programming connectivity support 5-wire (ICP) or 8-wire program.
23. Package Types:
. SOP-16/DIP-16/MSOP-10
24. Supported EV board on ICE
. EV board: EV8205